
Automatic Punching & Bending Line
The example shown is the result of a project developed in partnership, specifically for a company that described its production and logistics requirements to us. We have provided a solution with great flexibility and multiple configurations.

Fx bend Cell 1023-1547 PLUS

Fx bend Cell 1023-1547 MAX

Fx bend Cell 1547-KR 70 STANDARD
The ideal solution for workpieces up to 1500 x 800mm. Large-capacity robot, with 2 different unloading configurations that can be modulated based on the customer productivity.
Cell for small and medium sized pieces with a high production capacity.

Fx bend Cell 1547-KR 70 MAX
The ideal solution for workpieces up to 1500 x 800mm. Large-capacity robot, with 2 different unloading configurations that can be modulated based on the customer productivity.
Cell for small and medium sized pieces with a high production capacity.

Fx bend Cell 2550 STANDARD
Large-scale robot, available in 2 unloading configurations suitable to your productive needs.
Cell for medium and large sized pieces with a high production capacity.

Fx bend Cell 2550 MAX
Large-scale robot, available in 2 unloading configurations suitable to your productive needs.
Cell for medium and large sized pieces with a high production capacity.

Load & Unload Automatic System
The example shown is the result of a project developed in partnership, specifically for a company that described its production and logistics requirements to us. We have provided a solution with great flexibility and multiple configurations.

Salvagnini ROBOformER
Salvagnini is the first company to adopt the concepts of lean manufacturing by developing automatic and totally flexible processing systems; and the first to introduce a totally automatic press-brake cell run by a single controller and a single program.